Out now on White Denim (US)
Will Over Matter 'Phenomenal Highways' LP
After multiple CD albums on labels such as Freak Animal and Bestial Burst, 'Phenomenal Highways' is Will Over Matter's vinyl debut. With three tracks in roughly forty minutes, Will Over Matter melds primitive synth explorations with long-form power-electronic paralysis, as if William Bennett and Ben Frost were stalking each other through Finland's frozen tundra. Simultaneously claustrophobic and cosmic, 'Phenomenal Highways' is a tenuous process that will either enhance your consciousness or clear the room entirely, and we wouldn't have it any other way.
There are 408 copies pressed, each on black vinyl with matte cardstock jackets.
http://www.whitedenim.com/wd21.htmlBestial Burst will also soon have copies for Finnish / European orders.