Citizens' Committee For Moral Hygiene (collaboration with James Smith)

Started by Andrew McIntosh, August 12, 2013, 04:21:08 AM

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Andrew McIntosh

This is part of a collaborative recording project with James Smith, who used to release material under the name W.I.T., but as far as I know no longer records or releases. These pieces were taking raw sound that he had sent me, usually recorded onto hard-disc from objects and electronics in Jame's workshop (he was an electronics engineer at the time), some I processed through an effects unit, then loaded onto a keyboard sampler (hence the rhythmic nature of the pieces, and often played by hand, hence the occasional lapse of rhythm) and recorded onto four-track tape.

(There were other, longer pieces not included here, including one piece which was, in it's entirety, used as part of a longer piece by a project  called Siesm (I believe the piece was called "Blue Skies Of War", or something like that). The piece had not been used with our permission, or even our knowledge - I only found out by chance. This individual did not respond to attempts to contact him, and I am not sure if his un-approved use of our piece is available online or not.)
Shikata ga nai.