Shows in Norway fall/winter 2013/14

Started by Marritt, August 20, 2013, 11:36:24 PM

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Ok so I'm moving to norway(oslo) in september and wonder if there's any interesting shows and events in Norway this fall and winter that anyone can recomend?

So far all I know about is the show in Oslo with Trepaneringsritualen, Bizarre Uproar, Shift and Arkhe.
Looking forward to that.

It's also okey to recomend anything in other genres in forms of obscurity and mind-altering like black/doom/death metal or electro-something-whatever.

Thank you.
N - Marritt

online prowler

Gigs are often posted here in SPIF, but invites are also circling/can be seen on fartbook and Venues to be noted is Stein og Jord (best record shop in town), Brugata, Blå and some others as well.

cipher chris

I remember when I was in Oslo a couple of months ago, seeing an ad for a DHG/Troll/someone else show - I believe at John Dee's? - scheduled for October I believe.  Might be of interest.

online prowler

John Dee is a small and decent club.

Metal gigs/NWN forum:

More metal/South of Heaven: Highly recommend this evening: Kadotus - One Tail, One Head - Execration. 22. Oct kl. 20:00.


Kadotus - One Tail, One Head - Execration show is listed wrong, this show was actually two years ago!

online prowler

Quote from: gasskammer on August 26, 2013, 01:11:23 AM
Kadotus - One Tail, One Head - Execration show is listed wrong, this show was actually two years ago!


Gasskammer should know. He is more into metal than me. Anyways, I guess you attended the show back then? One Tail, One Head always delivers live as far as I have been told.

Jaakko V.

If the term ritual ambient rings a bell (wink wink nudge nudge), you might be interested of seeing Arktau Eos in Oslo:

11 October 2013, Sound of Mu, Markveien 58. Exact time tba.

Arktau Eos are honoured to be invited to provide the evening's live music - it is also the first time AE perform in Norway. Come over and celebrate Crowleymas with us as the night turns to the next day!

* * * * * * *

From the Akashic Jukebox: Magic and Music in Britain, 1888-1978

Magic and music are as old as humanity, but organised witchcraft, a British cultural export whose influence has been felt all over the world, is younger than jazz. In this talk, illustrated with images, music and rare recordings, Mark Pilkington, writer and publisher of Strange Attractor Press, explores British occultism's origins in the bohemian groves of late 19th century London, and charts its impact on popular music and some of its players, from the rock 'n' roll years through to the paradigm shift of punk. The emerging stories glow with transcendence, ripple with mystery, honk with absurdity and are all too often shadowed by tragedy."

online prowler


Er et ok redskap viss en ønsker å finne ut hva som skjer. Annonserer en bra del noise/eksperimentell/impro gigs.


Quote from: Salamanauhat on September 05, 2013, 08:34:47 AM
If the term ritual ambient rings a bell (wink wink nudge nudge), you might be interested of seeing Arktau Eos in Oslo:

11 October 2013, Sound of Mu, Markveien 58. Exact time tba.

Arktau Eos are honoured to be invited to provide the evening's live music - it is also the first time AE perform in Norway. Come over and celebrate Crowleymas with us as the night turns to the next day!

Nice, ill be there for sure!.

Online tor: Aftenposten list was quite outdated, several gigs from recent year posted. But yea, it was a great gig. All bands did great gigs. Kadotus had some equipment trouble, as always. Seen them three times in Norway, each time a drumskin or guitarstring breaks. Last time also their car broke down on the way home fra Helsinki airport. Good times!

For metalgigs and some noise updates i would recommend to check out the forum at, almost everything national and locally is posted there. Same weekend as B.U etc. there is also a big metalfest at betong, two days,so check it out the other day. door is 25 nok.
Mostly cheese bands, but some good stuff. Also cheap beer at that venue, its a student scene.


Utarm will do a highly improvised show with Black Pus at Revolver the 27th September btw.


Quote from: gasskammer on September 16, 2013, 05:08:41 PM
Utarm will do a highly improvised show with Black Pus at Revolver the 27th September btw.

Seems interesting, is that a club or what?
Hope I can make it, maybe going to stockholm to see Necros Christos, Irrkallian Oracle and Grave Miasma, but I think that was the day after.

The night with Arktau Eos and Mr Pilkington is a must for sure.

Thanks for all the the tips and links, keep 'em coming. I keep my eyes open.


Yes, revolver is a club, mostly rock music but some occational noise and metal shows.
Its a bar upstairs so for the scene, go into the backyard. Adress: Møllergata 32


Quote from: Salamanauhat on September 05, 2013, 08:34:47 AM
If the term ritual ambient rings a bell (wink wink nudge nudge), you might be interested of seeing Arktau Eos in Oslo:

11 October 2013, Sound of Mu, Markveien 58. Exact time tba.

Arktau Eos are honoured to be invited to provide the evening's live music - it is also the first time AE perform in Norway. Come over and celebrate Crowleymas with us as the night turns to the next day!

* * * * * * *

From the Akashic Jukebox: Magic and Music in Britain, 1888-1978

Magic and music are as old as humanity, but organised witchcraft, a British cultural export whose influence has been felt all over the world, is younger than jazz. In this talk, illustrated with images, music and rare recordings, Mark Pilkington, writer and publisher of Strange Attractor Press, explores British occultism's origins in the bohemian groves of late 19th century London, and charts its impact on popular music and some of its players, from the rock 'n' roll years through to the paradigm shift of punk. The emerging stories glow with transcendence, ripple with mystery, honk with absurdity and are all too often shadowed by tragedy."

update on exact time?

Jaakko V.

According to Facebook the event starts at 8 pm. No idea about the actual playing time though...