GOD RECORDS is very proud to announce the release of a new album by
available for pre-order (release date: October 2013.).
Unlike his previous project,
KRST REMIXES, which was single piece in four parts,
the follower contains eight tight structured pieces,
avoiding any extension of the form and compressed into massive dark ambient "pop songs".
Once again focused primary on voice, especially with it's quality in silent articulation,
the record deals with various moods, from hard industrial clashes,
to very silent and lyrical passages.
Hard beats, heavy bass and long drones with all present voice,
are the most significant characteristics of the album.
Video for the opening song:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=haEVaI9FrmYMore preview samples:http://soundcloud.com/godrec/upcoming-god-20-kajkyt-iiPre-order:http://godrec.com/catalogue.htmlBest