Started by cipher chris, October 18, 2013, 12:43:13 PM

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cipher chris

(sic 72) Amputation Theory 'Voyeur' C-70
Since 2006 the Institute For Organic Conversations label has serially unleashed a handful of sweaty and sleazy treatises of harsh noise littered with junk metal, grey sexual aesthetics and a heavy fondness for post-Macronympha American noise cassette culture.  Now this sordid project has entrusted around 65 minutes of material to a new label, Voyeur a parade of late '70s/early'80s VHS adult fixations, unashamed junk noise, late night feedback cleansing, bodily fluid saturation and seedy scrap metal abuse.
Edition of 50 copies with full colour fold-out sleeve.

(sic 73) Government Alpha & Xtematic 'Sound Rarefaction' 12"
Japanese mainstay Yasutoshi Yoshida meets Croatian up-and-comer Marko Jović for a heady collision of Government Alpha's patented noise flamboyance with Xtematic's cold ambient electronics.  The edges of both artists are blurred as their source material succumbs to workings by the other, Sound Rarefaction roaring one minute and freezing the next.
Lathe-cut LP, caringly cut on black lacquers here in Australia.  Each LP comes housed in a set of unique x-rays atopped with cover artwork by Yasutoshi Yoshida.  20 copies only.  As with previous lathe-cut releases, the price on this release is a reflection of the materials and postage only, and is the best I can do in the circumstances.

Existence In Decline 'Kunlangeta' C-46
I can't do better than quote Anthony Saunders himself on this one: "Kunlangeta was initially recorded at the request of Nolan/Kakerlak for Thorax Harsh Cassettes. It is 46 minutes of long-form fast-paced relentless harsh noise in the vein of K2, Pain Jerk, and Ahlzagailzehguh, painstakingly recorded and constructed over the course of a full year from late 2008 to late 2009. It is the first release under the new meaning of E.I.D.: Existence in Decline".
Another release in my line of specially packaged cassettes, electrical wiring and cable ties securing a sleeved cassette to artwork-adorned Corflute.  Edition of 60 copies.

Sound samples, further details, and full ordering information (please note the flat rate postage added to orders which include 12" records) are all at the WEBSITE.

Coming in late November: Dead Boomers C-11, Rope Society C-35, John Murphy/Ben Taylor CD. These releases will be occasioned by a release show intended to take place in Adelaide, South Australia - will advise of details when I have them.

Coming November/December: Theologian 'Bone Marrow Golem' C-20, Hal Hutchison 'Metalworks' lathe-cut 7".

Any questions or issues, please contact me.  chris[dot]cipher[at]gmail[dot]com