its an old industrial building complex, where theres also a diy bike repair workshop. in may there was the svartvit evening. i found it a particularly good place cos it wasnt a boring bar/pub and it had a strong air of getto venue. if havin a beer is so painfully essential to gig attendances then do it hush hush, and if people respect the house rules we might have a decent place to make some noise without the usual annoying dilemmas for the future, like neighbour-complaints, bouncers, venue staff waiting for the happening to be over so they can disco it up, general air of not being welcome. last time i tried to set up a noise gig (MK9 evening) at tvo we ended up havin to pay a ridiculous huge 200+ e to the venue, with an attendance of 20-30. here we can go and blast it for free = all door millions to the travellin artists.