SLOGUN "Nothing. Ever." CD
New CD, recorded 2018, released in 2019. In some ways it is exactly the Slogun we know, but not quite! It feels as if musically it is still a notch better, more complex, more detailed than already advanced previous recordings. It ain't the heavy bolt of electronics like in the old days, but compositionally vastly improved. Each track stands out unique. It was not the case in many of the past works. I think opening track is actually easily the weakest. Music feels to lack the kick and hostility present in the vocal performance. Starting from the second track, album keeps rolling forward very well. Complexity, but also more pressure. Vocals are the thing that Slogun could still improve. Or lets say, not the vocals, but the vocal efx. Vocals are what Slogun is known for. No less attacking. What I mean is that you got one sound, one delay, through entire album. When music has so much variation and depth, it would be nice to see Slogun play with the vocals also as a sound element (like in earliest days) rather than most of all dialogue over the music.
I don't complain much, though. This shows that Slogun is still going strong, and in many ways even stronger than ever. If people expect the brutalist wall-of-noise, it is not here. This is closer to even euro industrial sound, than the 90's US PE brutality.