4.3.2014 Vantaa: Praying For Oblivion(USA)/BiZroar/Hygienia/SickSeed

Started by Niko, November 25, 2013, 09:13:08 PM

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   Praying For Oblivion(USA)
   Bizarre Uproar
   Sick Seed


Soitto alkaa klo: 20.15!

Paikalle ja pois pääsee helposti autolla tai rautatientorilta bussilla nro: 734. Bussipysäkiltä kävelymatkaa keikkapaikalle n. 400 metriä.

Käänny Tikkurilantieltä Hakintielle, aja/kävele noin 100 metriä kunnes tie jakaantuu kahteen osaan, jatka vasemman puoleista tietä tasoristeyksen(kuva: http://g.co/maps/9h43v) yli noin 300 metriä kunnes tulet metsäaukion läpi romuttamon näköiselle konttialueelle.
Soita: 0449101699 jos et meinaa löytää paikalle.

www.obscurex.org Noise, Power Electronics, Industrial & Experimental Label.


www.obscurex.org Noise, Power Electronics, Industrial & Experimental Label.


www.obscurex.org Noise, Power Electronics, Industrial & Experimental Label.


www.obscurex.org Noise, Power Electronics, Industrial & Experimental Label.


Soitto alkaa 20.15!
www.obscurex.org Noise, Power Electronics, Industrial & Experimental Label.


Bizarre Uproar started - good set as usual! I liked how "clean" vocals came on top of noise very clearly. Best moments in middle of set!

Hygienia had much more sharp and ripping sounds. Quite fierce harsh stuff, but perhaps composition still lacked something, although sounds themselves were good? Good way to start live activity, though.

Sick Seed - FUCK! Easily his (or should I now say their?) best live gig. Perhaps little too long, and first 30 minutes would have been absolutely perfect. One of the best live gigs what I have seen for looooong time. Any bands on same event with SS will have to start improve their game, or will appear worse when comparing to this sort of supremacy. Not really noise. Eccentric art music meets industrial, with charismatic vocals? I really really hope when they get "studio versions" done of these songs, they get sound that is strong, but also dirty enough.

Praying For Oblivion. Some sort of technical troubles, was it? Just spoken word piece on the front and random "cable disconnected" kind of noise. Theoretically that's enough for good old power electronics assault, but this felt like set never really got going.

I was surprised how much crowd there was, but I guess there are enough people who are ready to make effort to go at tuesday night in Kontti. I too had to shut down retail shop early and drive few hundred km due the gig, but certainly worth it! I think sound was sometimes better outside. Where you could be without earplugs and hear nuances differently than inside the room. SS was the most visual band due stage presence. PFO played in total darkness. Two others more about making sound than performing.

I hope something will happen in summer too.
E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com
MAGAZINE: http://www.special-interests.net
LABEL / DISTRIBUTION: FREAK ANIMAL http://www.nhfastore.net

fin de siècle

Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on March 05, 2014, 08:09:22 AM
Praying For Oblivion. Some sort of technical troubles, was it? Just spoken word piece on the front and random "cable disconnected" kind of noise. Theoretically that's enough for good old power electronics assault, but this felt like set never really got going.

What you witnessed, is a typical Prayer For Oblivion live set. I guess, it was the Zodiac killer sample. Knowing Andrew personally, I have a different perspective on it, but I find his sets always highly amusing. However, his drunkness adds a lot to it – the more drunk the more non-entertaining lo-fi weirdness you get.

Jaakko V.

Was the Sick Seed set recorded on video? Would love to see and hear it.


Kiitokset kaikille paikalle vaivaantuneille sekä artisteille. Never stop the madness!
www.obscurex.org Noise, Power Electronics, Industrial & Experimental Label.