£5 entry
Hooligan Harmonics
A rare performance from these 3 faux shadowy figures, as nobody else is foolish enough to book them. Set your expectations to minus.
The solo project of Lucy Johnson, winner of Radio Free Midwich's "I'd never heard of you 10 minutes ago but now desperately need your whole back catalogue" New-to-RFM Award, delivering creeping, slow and considered noise grit.
Lama Dalai
"Brighton's Johannah Henderson and Duncan Harrison produce work in spheres of musical, performance and visual practice, translating single concepts into structures of events and systems where liminal stages between composition, improvisation and chance can be explored and presented as tangible, realised works. The exact form and content of each piece varies radically, however past works have incorporated deconstructed texts, home built instrumentation, field recording and visual scores.
Active within various fields of sonic and visual arts for a number of years, the pair have received accolades for their works both independently and within Lama Dalai. Interview and performance footage of both Henderson and Harrison was featured on the Finnish television show Neo, which explored the underground noise/experimental scene in the north of England." - Supernormal
Slow Listener
"A long-time purveyor of quality tapes and audio curiosities, Robin Dickinson has been cleverly snapped up by the very good Exotic Pylon records and it's a good thing too. 'The Long Rain' might be the most complete vision he's come up with to date, as he blends a sensitive ear for decomposing drones (think an atonal William Basinski) with a keen understanding of music concrete and noise. The most marvellous thing about 'The Long Rain' is the very character of the sounds, and even in the digital realm it plays like a warped Dictaphone tape with bell sounds warbling and fluttering and crunching percussive sounds coming across like Leatherface's chains draped around your neck before he drags you into the killing room. We're probably making it sound much darker than it is, but that's just the thing – Dickinson has left so much to the listener themselves; the music is at times just low end warbles, radio interference and other-worldly tones, so it depends on our references for those sounds how we actually hear them, and that's a very good thing indeed. A stunning piece of music, one for fans of Geoff Mullen, PAN or Kevin Drumm – seriously, don't sleep" - Boomkat
Hobo Head
Foldhead, Yorkshire's finest monger of overdriven abrasive electronic squelch teams up with Brighton's Hobo Sonn, renowned for his highly detailed and engaging concrete soundscapes.
Chastity Potato
Dumbo pairing of ex-Hullensian purveyor of the finest in freaked out audio goop Luke Poot (Lovely Honkey, Very Rich Lexicon) and Manchester avant-garde guitarist Dave Birchall.
Clive Henry
Bang the Bore organiser, Hunting Lodge bassist, Boduf Songs band member and tape label veteran under his recently retired littlecreature moniker (to ignore his forays into indie, hardcore, terrifyingly creepy doom, improvisation etc. etc.) Clive has covered an insane range of underground music while never sounding like anybody but himself, and always with a unique physicality. His releases are prolific, obtuse and often remarkable, but for me the best way to experience the music is live where his complete immersive involvement in the music is utterly infectious and absorbing in a way that few performers manage.
Filthy Turd & Yol
Début mangled meeting of minds between 2 of the UK undergrounds most brilliantly stark performers. Sure to captivate, amuse and unnerve in equal measure.
Brittle / Fettle
Andy Jarvis, veteran of the Stoke-On-Trent experimental scene and now mostly seen in his outstanding horror cabaret duo Vile Plumage with Filthy Pig Wyngarde, combines power amulets with Kieron Piercy of the lovely bands Spoils & Relics and Castrato Attack Group.
The Subs(cribers)
The Subs began around the start of the 90s as a project conceived entirely on the Amiga 500 borrowed from Neil Davies in order to reflect Loo Loo's combined love of electro pop (a la The Army of Lovers) obscure Japanese anime, the film music of John Carpenter, Bootsy Collins and Death Metal. Enlisting the help of Paula Hayes on shared vocals ("The Carpenters for the 90s" as one gig flyer read) they released the 17 song cassette "Going Like the Clappers" on Phil Todd's Betley Welcomes Careful Drivers label including such instant pop classics "QWERTY" and "I Have A Key" . They also contributed to the infamous 7 x 7" box set released by Stomach Ache, their track "Snow in my Pocket" depicted a love affair with a snowman that could only end in disaster. Releases and gigs from them are not frequent to say the least. Now joined on "Voice, bass, synth, trumpet, hair, logistics and costumes" by Mikarla Jarvis, Subs create beautifully simple and charming pure synth pop that you will never forget.
Aka Matt Loveridge of Team Brick and Beak> fame. This guy is a musical genius making intense and incredibly creative compositions. Everytime we've seen him play live he's had a different set up and approaches the performance in a totally unique fashion building up tons of loops, drones, and interesting noise. We heard a rumour that this show might involve some saz rock outs but who knows what to expect. – Tor Music Press
Lobster Priest
The two sides of this plastic grooved abomination highlight Lobster Priest's different aspects, each side bulging with third eye nutrition. Where Lobster Priest have always reliably delivered the goods in the form of the purest grown Anatolian psychedelic dronerock, the addition of artist and keyboard player Cara France has broadened/weirdened their sound. Now with a Carnival Of Souls aspect to their sound, and the increased ability to run on grooves as well as the fumes of abandon, the already liberated guitars of Bong's Mike Vest and Totem Recall's Cameron Sked are even more free to scrape the VU meter's limits. The A side, the epic 'Suzie Fuckin' Q Death Trip', manages to transmit a great emotional ache through its melody while still kicking out the jams. The sound may be reaching for the skies of the sunscorched open plains, but there's always been a further skewed aspect to Lobster Priest beyond that of psychedelia. They're not so much tripped out as they are ragged and a little bit fire damaged, at the odd crossroads of expanded pupils exhilaration and closed eye wrecked. Lobster Priest's huge guitar workout tracks are more than just the produce of stoners, more than just a retread of past glorious trails. –
Radio Free MidwichSchedule
3:35 – Hooligan Harmonics
4:10 – Smut
4:45 – Lama Dalai
5:20 – Slow Listener
5:55 – Hobo Head
6:30 – Chastity Potato
7:05 – Clive Henry
7:40 – Filthy Turd & Yol
8:15 – Andy Jarvis & Kieron Piercy
8:50 – Subs
9:25 – MXLX
10:00 – Lobster Priest
Between sets Aimmar Cair will be playing songs and sounds to delight the ear.
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wharfchambers.org. Membership costs £1 and requires a minimum of 48 hours to take effect.