That "Lady Drawers" video is fucking ridiculous. Apart from an almost dada-ist disconnection, the actual drawings are appalling. How the hell do they expect parity with professional cartoonists with crap like that?
I don't think I could explain the concept of "equality" either, at least not in terms of Noise gigs or comics. Socially, I think it's a good idea, but if Ms. Righton expects her views on Noise gigs to be taken seriously just because she's got a cunt, that's not equality. It's the same old crap so many modern feminists have, wanting more "representation" in western culture while girls are being fucking kidnapped and enslaved in Africa, and somehow thinking it's the same problem. "Sexist" advertising is down there in the misery stakes with clitorectomies, some rich bitch not getting a job as chairman of the board telling her woes to her maid, and so on. I don't think a lot of feminists these days know what equality is either, and I don't think they want to know.
That "Voteman" video was funny, though.