I really love these kind of executions of shows, sadly (or not sadly) I am pretty more and more bored of these "stand behind the laptop/effect pedals, and not move, or anything" perfomances year-by-year, so, It works for me...
But, to be really honest, I think most of these extreme perfomances nowadays are rarely reach a new level, even if they are good... Sure, some of the stuff always works, like fun with body fluids, humiliation, burning, take piss/cum/droll on picture of pet/children (...) etc:. , but I think if these things are still fit in the "what is law still accept" category, we can't talk something really extreme.
Even If it's change about, what country is, where the perfomance is it. I know that some people want some really fucked up stuff, but they have no guts, to do it... because they will end in a prison, or get stabbed after the perfomance.
Extremity have sometimes a negative effect on the perfomance, audience will more remember about the act, rather than the sound/lyrics... they will remember how fucked up it was, but nothing more... and it's not the perfomer's fault, it's just how it works.
I think Con-Dom was one of the best 'shocking' things what I've seen. Very unpredictable perfomance, a lot of memoriable stuff, close, in-your-face contact with the audience, very small avenue also helped this kind of situtation.. my friend recorded the whole live show, but he lost the tape somewhere... damn, I wish he could found it!