Pornography Appreciation / Sexual curiousities / etc topic

Started by FreakAnimalFinland, December 13, 2009, 09:55:35 PM

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Interview with Christopher Rage:

talks about Scott Taylor who would shove a butterknife down his urethra & wore a severed chicken?leg around his neck while licking his split cockhole & eating cum.


I have been kind enough to share some access with those people who are unlucky and don't have any access to the underground pornography industry so if you don't have a copy of the wonderful catalog titled "Scatalog" head on over to my blog to download the latest "issue"   


Avon films to be released on 2-dvd next month:

Sure hope they get around to TAMING OF REBECCA & TALES OF THE BIZARRE!


Mitchell is fucking gorgeous in this one.


i have found myself very interested in amature pornagraphy. namely pictures, or even better poloroids. anyone suggest any magazines that specialize in such tastes?


Just found a copy of Show Me! by McBride for only $120. Has anyone read this before? I know it sells for up to $500 so I'm assuming it will be a good investment in the end but I also want to know if it is a good book in general, not just a collectors piece. I'm honestly surprised that you can buy this on mainstream sites.


Quote from: RyanWreck on May 02, 2011, 09:38:38 AM
Just found a copy of Show Me! by McBride for only $120. Has anyone read this before? I know it sells for up to $500 so I'm assuming it will be a good investment in the end but I also want to know if it is a good book in general, not just a collectors piece. I'm honestly surprised that you can buy this on mainstream sites.

120$ is good price, if it's mint condition and english language version. Note that german version is the bigger edition published couple of times with quite high success. English language version is much more rare due destroyed printrun and what was at least assumedly done only once.
This book is not illegal per se, I would say. Depends on the country, but even in countries where it was banned to distribute, it's still openly found from specialist art dealers who sell collectable book of all kinds. I recall I bought it once from some Irish antique book merchant, along with pile of other photobooks. Of course, due nature of the book, I wouldn't necessary recommend buying it somewhere where customs will open it, but I don't think this would fall under "kp" in court. It's probably not as "hard" as some people make it sound like, and it never advocates adults/kids action. It's not some guidebook for pedo's like some people have proclaimed (Possibly without seeing it). It's just pretty free-minded sex education book in the 60's/early 70's wibe, where images show how people will learn about these things. Will McBride is very talented photographer. See his website:
when you go to photography, and check out for example sample "Barbara with her Children Shawn, Robin und Brian", it's shows close to the style of "Show Me". Very well done b/w art photography.. of course some more explicit ones.

From his own site:
QuoteZeig Mal!
Jugend Dienst Verlag Wuppertal, 1974
Realizing that sex education should begin earlier than the teens, McBride did a book with psychologist Helga Fleichhauer-Hardt for children and their parents. »Show Me!« was highly controversial, sold over a million copies, but was finally banned in the United States and other countries.
I think there was German re-print even in 90's - which didn't get so well received by people like it did in 70's...  No wonder!
E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com


Because of the massive Lolita-like sexual undercurrent I thought this to be the optimal thread... Teen boom boom doll = nicole 12.

Andrew McIntosh

Ugh, that music is sick. I can never get past the twenty second mark with pop music like that. Couldn't even be bothered turning off the sound.

"Teen Boom Boom Doll"? Jesus Christ, where do these fools get these stupid ideas from. Thank God for global warming.
Shikata ga nai.


This is the picture used to by the BBC to talk about the US heat wave. Freud might have something to say about this.

Andrew McIntosh

Sometimes a child with a hose is just a child with a hose.
Shikata ga nai.


stuff like that just creeps me's like dwarwes & midgets, but more twisted. scary.


That is just amazing. And even more the obvious hypocrisy of the mag, looking at the right column of the site... fat bitch should be fucking ashamed of herself

But I suppose publications like these are sorely needed to feed our thirst for shock and depravation!