Clive Henry 'Colder' / Julien Skrobek 'Minutes'

Started by Piety and Iron, July 16, 2014, 05:07:07 PM

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Piety and Iron

Clive Henry - 'XXX Colder'

This tape develops a much more diverse showcase of Clive Henry's tendencies and character in approach to experimental sound. Clive takes on the academic realms of sound and pushes them beyond the normal tolerable levels of abrasiveness. Broaching voice improvisation, abstract electronics and harsh noise with a highly processed digital method, these tracks sound initially overcooked to the point of destruction yet they soon begin to make sense as highly detailed (listenable) compositions. Each of the four tracks very different.

Julien Skrobek - 'Minutes'

Here we set Julien the challenge of presenting his static works in some kind of wider 'artistic' framework. Bearing in mind the attraction of HNW for the brutalists and the purists yet also attracting the attention of those looking to resurrect the anti art theories of the past in terms of a worldview constructed too simply on concrete theoretical assumptions about the kind of modern society we are living in. Here Juliens walls devolve to time and the experience of time in 'Minutes'. Minutes reminds us that we are not separated by time of history from the artists of the past and breaks down the present ideas that suggest we are living in a new 'sped up' era of technology, when truly we experience time only in the moment as we live it each day