MALDUR ATAI is a moon-shaped mechanical puzzle helping the monks to reach other dimensions in Nepalese temples in pre-Buddhist era. In these temples, the priest used to give a strange puzzle to his disciples. The disciples had to solve its riddle. By solving it the disciples were opening the hidden gate and withdrawing from the material labyrinth to the vision world. Only the re-encoded puzzle was found in the room of the mystic who had solved the riddle. The number of disciples was gradually diminishing until only one disciple who did not solve the riddle was left. The latter used to become the priest and teach a new generation of monks, giving the ordained disciples the mechanical puzzles to solve. In Buddhist era the concept of Maldur Atai means the location of substance. The last page of holy Buddhist scripts was always left empty (this practice was abandoned later). The Buddhists also called this page Maldur Atai. Having read the holy scripts a monk had to solve the puzzle of the last empty page and to reach final beatitude. In the monasteries in mountains, the monks used to find an empty cell with an opened empty last page of holy scripts. It was a common knowledge that the one who lived in the cell will never be seen again as he has withdrawn. The monks also told the legend saying that Maldur Atai cult will emerge before the apocalypse of the material world and the puzzle shaped as a young moon will stand as the symbol of this cult. In later treatises of the old scripts, the concept of Maldur Atai was interpreted in different ways, while its true meaning was usually distorted. The monks' rosary, pauses in mantras, secret cells of the monasteries and cult items were all called Maldur Atai. During the World War 2, the scientists of the Third Reich organised an expedition to Nepal. One of its purposes was to collect information about Maldur Atai, however, they failed to get any data on the arcane puzzle. Today, Maldur Atai concept is no longer used. However, the mystical object unexpectedly appears in pop culture. In the horror movie Hell Raiser, namely, Maldur Atai prototype is used for opening the gates to hell and invoking the killers. Today, when we witness the zenith of the materialistic world, the mechanical moon-shaped puzzle has acquired one more meaning. Maldur Atai is a new postindustrial musical project for exceptional sound travels to the forbidden world.
A moon-shaped mechanical puzzle was used to assist the monks in reaching other dimensions in Nepalese temples during pre-Buddhist era. The monks also told the legend saying that Maldur Atai cult will emerge before the apocalypse of the material world and the puzzle shaped as a young moon will stand as the symbol of this cult. Almost no data on the arcane cult and mechanical puzzle reaches us from the age of vice (Kali Yuga), however, in remote location of Nepal little affected by Chinese occupation, old people still remember some fragments of the legend related to Maldur Atai. It reminds of an encoded mystic message. It contains a few references both to a catastrophe that took place in pre-Buddhist era and to the prophesy of mysterious character. According to the legend, the rebellion was so unexpected and fierce that the old regime was overturned in a second. The entire Maldur Atai tradition vanished like the very mechanical puzzle. However, the last time Maldur Atai puzzle was used not for transferring anyone from the physical world to the other realm but vice versa. The legend says that an element not subject to the forces of evolution or transformation was transferred into realms difficult of approach in the physical world. It is believed to be the most ancient element in the world. It is not only not subject to changing and evolving but also contains the entire evolution of the universe encoded inside. According to the ancient legend, the signs encoded in the unchanging element and related to the apocalypse will become more visible with each change of the world. It is said to embody all five elements. Its body is in the shape of royal regalia and its name is used for all the clergymen of the new religion that spreads like plague and is characterised by vitality inversely proportional to its persecution. The arcane element is also of unprecedented prolificacy. Both this new religion and this element represent one and the same celestial body. The prophetic part of the legend says that this religion will flood the entire world, tear off all masks of hypocrisy, destroy the illusion and then transform into the ancient Maldur Atai cult and the old order. This will happen when one of the two celestial bodies represented in the symbol of the new religion is replaced by the symbol of universe. The spiralling cycle will be completed, the new religion will transform into the old one, the Maldur Atai puzzle and cult will emerge again but that will all signal the end as the universe will turn back. No one knows how the apocalypse will look like since all those that knew more are either dead or withdrawn to other dimensions during the great rebellion.
MALDUR ATAI - "Patrols Of Paradise" heavy 10inch out now on AUTARKEIA.
MALDUR ATAI - "Alarm / Valhala" heavy 7inch out now on AUTARKEIA.