
Started by Ink Runs Recordings, September 03, 2014, 02:24:29 PM

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Ink Runs Recordings

ecco is my wall noise project, inspired by 70's and early 80's NYC 42nd street theatres and the exploitation movies they specialized in.

Physical releases are on the way, I will post them here as they appear.

The 1st tape, The Ghastly Ones, is available from Cascading Fragments now.

Ink Runs Recordings

ecco - The Ghastly Ones - Cascading Fragents - 2014

I have received my artist copies for the first tape release by my wall noise project ecco: "The Ghastly Ones" on Cascading Fragments. Get in touch at corpsegrainedseries-AT-gmail-DOT-com if you want one, 5eu+postage or trade for wall noise.

Cascading Fragments is sold-out for these but here's the link so you can check out their other releases and/or listen tot he tape: