I'm looking for the following items and will pay probably about $11USD per each item shipped within the EU. Please contact me via PM with a list of what you have available.
FILTH-001 Bizarre Uproar Likainen Ehtoollinen (Cass, Album, C40) 2008
FILTH-002 Bizarre Uproar Likainen Ehtoollinen (CDr + CDr, Enh) 2008
FILTH-003 Bizarre Uproar Kuristusote (Cass, Album) 2008
FILTH-004 Chains Of Death Command Chains Of Death Command (Cass, Ltd, C40) 2008
FILTH-005 Bizarre Uproar AMF (Cass, RE, C45) 2008
FILTH-006 Xenophobic Ejaculation Xenophobic Ejaculation (Cass, C40) 2008
FILTH-008 Gelsomina - Bizarre Uproar Älä Tee Huorin (2xCass, Ltd, C30) 2008
FILTH-10 Last Rape / Bizarre Uproar Collaboration (Cass, C40) 2008
FILTH-011 Halthan 1. Document (Cass, S/Sided, C40) 2008
FILTH-12 Bizarre Uproar Purification (CD, Ltd) 2009
FILTH-13 Snuff (5) Untitled (2xCass, Ltd) 2009
FILTH-13 Snuff (5) Untitled (Cass, Album, RE) 2009
FILTH 16 Golden Rain Praise The Whore (Cass, Album, Ltd) 2009
FILTH-17 Xenophobic Ejaculation Victory (Cass, Album, Ltd, C50) 2009
FILTH-19 Sick Seed The Great Corrupter (LP, Ltd) 2009
FILTH-20 Kärsimysnäytelmä! Kärsimysnäytelmä! (CD) 2009
FILTH-24 Bizarre Uproar Mother Pt.2 (Cass, S/Sided, Ltd, C30) 2009
FFILTH-32 Pogrom (5) Liberal Cunt (Cass, Album) 2010
Filth&Violence-25 Sadistic Bliss Sadistic Bliss (Cass, S/Sided, Ltd) 2009
FILTH&VIOLENCE-38 Sadistic Bliss II (Cass, Album) 2010