[ówt krì] - Incarcerated (tape) & The New Seed (cd)

Started by DBL, December 08, 2014, 01:39:37 AM

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Out now through Cursed Tapes:

CURSE009: [ówt krì] - Incarcerated
"[ówt krì] is a Finnish one-man project that creates experimental music. While some of his works are calm and meditative, this release is something quite different. Six songs of bleak industrial ambient in 28 minutes. Pro-tape."

Cover art & more detailed info can be seen here, and a sample-song can be heard here.

Price: 5e + postage
Order at http://www.damned-by-light.com/tapes/


I have a few copies of his earlier digipak CD-album (released through Alrealon Musique) for sale as well. Below lies some info about it.

[ówt krì] - The New Seed
"Released under the wings of Alrealon Musique, 'The New Seed' (ALRN041) marks a new beginning in the world of [ówt krì].
'The New Seed' begins where elements old and new clash and light a path towards the future, creating a brave new world. A world where ambiance, melody and noise are bound together in a polyamorist marriage of disharmony and ethereal atmospheres, walking hand in hand.
'The New Seed' features elements of [ówt krì]'s past, but entwines melody and atmosphere with noise and disturbance like never before. Melodies and layers are set free to flow over looped elements and in doing so, allows the music to breath in unison with its maker."

For samples & cover art, go to Alrealon Musique's bandcamp.

Price: 10e + postage. People from the States might want to order it directly from Alrealon Musique to save on postage.


[ówt krì] was interviewed by Adornments Of The King here. The same site also reviewed the Incarcerated-tape here.