I know quite many people have admired Joseph Hammer LP on PAN. I think it was ok, but also somewhat annoying at times. I keep it in my collection simply because it is quite different kind of stuff. Crumer/Hammer collaboration was good too, but included few obstacles for my personal tastes which I felt was quite irritating.
Today I was listening now "Roadless Travel" CD released by Japanese label ART INTO LIFE. This is perhaps the best Hammer piece what I can remember hearing. It's theoretically along the lines of PAN LP, but in other hand, not at all. You got the odd waving loops of manually altered tape-speed. There is no such repetition as on LP on PAN. Not blunt spoken loops. Something much more elegant - if you can use term here.
Also CD is good in other ways too. While topics like this often include questions like what else is good from this particular artists, or what kind of styles/approaches he has, "Roadless Travel" comes with extensive booklet that gives you many answers. It goes through artists career, releases, his style and techniques. So I'd say, if you want to check out his stuff, this CD is pretty good start!