Aube / Haters - Splinter Clear Cut / Joyous Smash

Started by GX Jupitter-Larsen, August 05, 2010, 12:29:50 AM

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GX Jupitter-Larsen

Dug up 20 (mint) copies of this 1998 classic from Freak Animal Records (FREAK-CD-002)

Half of the CD has Aube rubbing glass, and the second half has The Haters breaking glass.

I'm putting these up for sale to pay off another lame medical bill.

Paypal me $18 (free shipping worldwide) at gx AT jupitter-larsen DOT com


GX Jupitter-Larsen

I still have 2 left. Email me before paypaling.

Thanks everyone. Your orders are all in the mail...!