SCANDINAVIAN WAR CRIMES volume 1 compilation tape

Started by ARKHE, April 12, 2015, 04:52:48 PM

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Out now on Kafé Kaos:


United by blood, forests and mountains: 8 Swedish and Norwegian industrial noise units gathered as one. 100 copies, 40 min chrome tapes.
Housed in military strength zip-lock bags.

KOEFF: Malmö industrial domination, returns after years of silence.
CAPERS: Hisingen powerless electronics.
COPS: Oslo's grimmest power electronics unit now disbanded, this is their first release.
HOMOEROTIC PLAGUE: a new spectre on the scene in southern Sweden, gloomy atmospheric industrial.

TIED HANDS: previously known as Phí, a perfect harsh blast of crackling noise.
BLITZKRIEG BABY: Oslo martial industrial unit, marching for war and death.
VAER HOS MEG NAAR MITT TIMEGLASS UTRINDER: slowly shifting drone eruptions. Tectonic.
ARKHE: death electronics. Excerpt from coming full-length "Marsh shines through scaffolds of time".

Samples from all tracks:

Copies currently available from Where Frost Reigns and
More distros will be added as they come along: interested parties get in touch. 6 euros + shipping.

online prowler


The comp is now or will soon also be available from Tordon Ljud, Analog Worship, Unrest Productions and Freak Aninal (the two latter after UFoI this weekend).