UTS07: Conspirator/Xtematic Split C32 out now

Started by UTS Records, May 22, 2015, 02:58:01 PM

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UTS Records



we can send 5-6 cassettes without cases to Europe & the USA for $7.40AUD so please see below for other available releases!


Order from utsrecordsandmerch @ gmail.com or visit http://www.underthesign.wordpress.com

Other U.T.S. titles available:

UTS01: Destruct "Total Destruction" C-34 $5
UTS02: RuiNation "Ritual Meditation MMXIV" C-44 $5
UTS03: Oxygen Abortion "A Ceremony of Swine" C-44 $5
UTS05: Destruct "Legion XI" C-34 $5
UTS06: Conspirator "Lie, Cheat, KILL!"

Listen to all titles at U.T.S. BANDCAMP