Hi all, there's too many Cementimental + collaboration/sideproject things happening in London in July so just posting my mailing list message (please PM me your email address if you'd like to be added to this by the way):
• This weds 1st: a special collaboration - Cementimental (playing borrowed noise-classic synths!) and Geraldine McEwan (Violin) - at the launch of
Sonica.fm's residency @ New River Studios, 7 till 11, some 'open jack' slots too if you would like to perform.
• Weds 15 at Anatum's Abode with my good friend DJ Schlucht over from Berlin, I'm playing as half of Page & Drage at this one.
• On Fri 17th Cementimental: Listen Lisse, Xanthous + DJs at the George Tavern. Noise, chaos and dance 7 till 3am, FREE!
• Sat 25 July I'm playing as part of the new cybergrind/noise band Nova-Virus at Vinyl Deptford, 4 till 11 with many great and weird acts! Entry free/donations.
• TBC late July/early aug: Debut show of new noise/industrial/????? supergroup ANGLE GRINDER, details tbc.
I thiink that's all for now?! Hopefully see you there.
More coming up in August including a Cementimental-curated noise shed/stage at Cosmic Carnage alldayer @ The Windmill on the 15th, and live @ 4 Legs Good's event, Ryan's Bar on the 25th. Details of those next time!
Tonne of infos below:
Weds 1st July
https://www.facebook.com/events/1072601709433854/"First of July we're kicking off the Sonica Found Music™ residency at New River Studios with a brand new Open Jack night. Sound artists and experimental musicians are invited to perform new works in an open mic type environment i.e. appreciative audience/licensed bar/talent platform. Simply turn up, plug in and play out your latest piece or indeed anything you want to share (email
tom@newriverstudios.com with your technical requirements.). All performances will be broadcast live on
Soncia.FM too.
For the first event, we will also have live 'sound collaging' (DJing!) from Robbie 'Ears Glow' Judkins and Stephen 'Shed' Shiell with Howard Jacques, and a special collaborative live performance from Cementimental and Geraldine McEwan
Sound art and experimental music lovers please come and show some love! The bar is open til 11 and there will be a vegan/vegetarian/pescatarian tapas-style menu so you can come for dinner too.
Date: Wednesday July 1
Time: 7pm
Admission: Free
Address: New River Studios, 199 Eade Road, N4 1DN
New River Studios is the home of the new
Sonica.FM residency. For the month of July there will be opportunities for radio shows, live performances and studio sessions. Lots lined up already, but there are still slots available - particularly for radio shows. Email
sonicafmradiogallery@gmail.com if you have a proposal."
Weds 15th July
Anatum's Abode, 613 Commercial Road, London, E14 7NT
Hailing from Berlin DJ ShluchT works at the DIYChurch as one of their unpaid interns since more than 5 years.
He made himself a name with bad social behaviour online and in real live as well as naive ghost coding.
His Dj sets are very eclectic - drug referential stoner-logic reflecting on movies without watching them and basically it always sounds the same or like one of his critics once said: classic intuitive wrongfootedness.
He once released a mixtape called "Snakes on a Plane" via Bristols ZAMZAM records
http://zamzamrec.bandcamp.com/album/snakes-on-a-planehttps://soundcloud.com/sredni-vashtarPlus support from:
(in no particular order)
Page & Drage
https://jahiz.bandcamp.com/rÎce from yr grave
https://soundcloud.com/rfyg and probably more...
free/donations i think? or cheap.
Fri 17th July
Eye of SOS presents: Listen Lisse, Xanthous, Cementimental, Justin Paton
https://www.facebook.com/events/1445678085733960/A night of cultural mayhem, cultural protest, experimental stuff
Listen Lisse
Songs about road trips, android dystopias, outlaws runnin' from the law and post-apocalyptic wastelands amongst ghetto driven love incantations.
Spawned from Chaos
http://www.facebook.com/groups/23967177663/Cementimental make various experimental noise/musics and audio art, usually involving 'circuit-bent' electronics.
http://www.cementimental.com/http://www.facebook.com/cementimentalJustin Paton
Improvised Acid House. Live set.
https://soundcloud.com/justin-paton-4DJ Oliotronix
In da house to bring the party goers a new kind of musical experience.
https://soundcloud.com/oliotronixThe George Tavern
373 Commercial Road, E1 0LA London, United Kingdom
Sat 25 July
Vitaphone no more!
The vitaphone system which has for so long united sound and vision in service to your entertainment needs has met its end! The vitaphone corporation has been laid waist by a strange energy wave and its system has disintegrated like dust in the wind, from now on brave bands of mortal musicians must enter the audion tube in order to return living sound to film, dare you join them, beyond the film gate??
Lords of the hedonist present your synesthetic warrior technicians for tonight.
Open Sorcery
http://opensorcery.bandcamp.com/releases open sorcery is an experiment on the lines between improvisation and composition, hoping to push both the involved musicians and the listener beyond their comfort zone and beyond their expectations. on this occasion they will consist of collaborators Jon Lancelot (Dr Equalizer) Phillip Raymond Goodman (Flange Zoo, General Harm) and Lydia Morgan (Mu - μ)
The Zapruder Nightmare (TZN)
http://thezaprudernightmare.bandcamp.com/https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEpneRw6spIJo_MJGfFkttw No wave with the emphasis on the NO. the worlds most incompetent band have played in stairways, underground car parks, basement, kitchens and everything between and beyond, they sing about urban, suburban, rural, and bourbon myths, legends and unacknowledged truths stranger than fiction.
Frank E & Jane E (@The Lonesome Cowboys from Hell)
http://www.lonesomecowboysfromhell.com/Psychotic undead cowboy music to swing from a rope and dance too.
a brand new electronic grindcore collaboration from a number of different musicians and noise artists. viruses from the stars music to make the masses ill from both ends of their souls.
Steven Smith
https://www.facebook.com/StevenSmithMusician?fref=ts http://www.musicbystevensmith.com/ https://soundcloud.com/stevensmithmusic http://www.youtube.com/user/Stigsmonkey a scottish singer songwriter living in london, useing voice guiter and trusty looping devices, singing sometimes humorous sometimes poignant sometimes both songs about love and other things.
Apocalypse Jazz Unit
conceived in 2012 as a solo recording project by saxophonist Rick Jensen and has since transmogrified into a live band with a variety of equally deranged improvisers. Since April 2013 Apocalypse Jazz Unit has been a tornado of activity, releasing 40 digital albums, whilst bringing experimental mayhem, eclecticism and a sense of humour to their countless performances.
Listen Lisse
http://www.listenlisse.co.uk listenlisse@gmail.comApocalyptic Art rock
Songs about road trips, android dystopias, outlaws runnin' from the law and post-apocalyptic wastelands amongst ghetto driven love incantations.
and more tba
the great work of visonus will be done in
vinyl deptford
4 tanners hill SE8 4PJ
25th july 4 to 10pm
Entry free/donations encouraged.