I was quite blown away by
MERCURY HALL "Through The Imperial Family "-12".
I guess one sider 12" isn't the absolute best format considering value for playtime vs. money. Being edition of 100, with professional covers, printed innersleeves, color vinyl etc, it might not be cheapest, but damn, how great it is. If tape from 2014 is anywhere this good, I don't wonder why it was listed by some people among highlights of year.
I feel that LP does sound better than soundcloud samples:
https://soundcloud.com/a-dear-girl-called-wendy/mercury-hall-extractThere is always kind of extra punch and pressure in everything. It doesn't sound just "acoustic junk". Also, this extract is misleading in terms of full composition. Being taken from beginning of track, you'll miss whole development of sampled choral music, further editing skills and such. It is most of all very detailed and carefully crafted piece of acoustic noises, reversed sounds, but much more too. Genius qualities is found with multiple listenings and giving attention to detail.
I'd say latest LETTERA 22 LP was amazing as well, so I'm not surprised that member of this duo does well with his solo works as well. Any comments about Mercury Hall tape?