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Lunar Heathen Front 005 - NaziSSexNoise "Facewash Expungance of Jewish Juice! Manifesto Aryan Sexology! Total Hikikomori!"
New Propaganda from the Lunar Heathen Front. The rotting carcass of NaziSSexNoise has been exhumed once again to bring forth probably the most perverse and demented release from the LHF art collective. The writings inside show a mind ravaged by "religious pornographic consumption" and the ideals of Aryan Sexology have advocated such things as Rape and Incest in the name of Racial Purity. Note, these are not the ideals of Winter Solace nor the Lunar Heathen Front, as commentary from the Cosmic Weapon of Thule front man in the insert firmly explains the movements views and why the artist who made these original recordings was expelled. Also featured is the first of several planned responses to the attacks in Paris.
NSSN gave birth to the "NS Pornonoise" genre with such classic albums as "To Make Explode Inside Aryan Woman" and "Come Aryan Rape Incest Before Racemix" are now their back for final attack. This new c-90 contains 2 unreleased tracks with their completed masters (having all the layers of sound) and a new outro track. The B-Side of this tape contains all other material ever released by this project from the limited Thule Society and Mein Kampf tapes. Extreme NS occultism is not for children or subhumans and as the title indicates there is absolutely nothing else going on here!
Sample track:
http://youtu.be/QOn8a5LngYY www.wintersolaceproductions.com