hmm.. just today got mail that new (#4) issue of Antibothis is out. I got all the 3 past issues, and while it is most of all "occultural magazine" - aiming to cover not just the "subculture", but something more hidden, something more unusual, it also includes topics why relates to this discussion.
contributions include for example Z'ev, Trevor Brown, V. Vale (RE/Search Pubs), Francisco Lopez, Mason Jones (Charnel Music), André Coelho (Sektor 304), and so on.
This Portuguese publication in past included GX of Haters, Boyd Rice, Aesthetic Meat Front, Nigel Ayers, and so on. But also all sorts of other "occulture" from classic Linkola translations to nonsense of Siratori. Each publication comes with compilation CD. It's fully professional, somehow makes me think what used to be done by magazines such as Headpress. But these are anthologies of text. No "trivial magazine" content.