Some Russian zines (all in Russian):
Fabrika Groz - the oldest one, courtesy of Alexander Lebedev-Frontov (Linija Mass/Stalnoey Pakt/Veprisuicida, Ultra label, etc.). The only issue was supposed to be published in the second half of the 90-ies, but I have no idea whether this actually happened. Some copies were made available a couple of years ago as a bonus for "Turning Virgins Into Doves" VHS. Features several interviews (some original, some translated), reviews and includes Ultra label catalog, which is one of its most important features since some releases are still missing from discogs. The title, which means "Thunderstorms Factory", is actually a pun on Hollywood as "Dream Factory" (wich translates to Russian as "Fabrika Gryoz").
Independent Eletronic Music (IEM), from which Monochrome Vision eventually arose. There was a total of four issues, and the last one came with a compilation CD which featured AMK, Dave Phillips, John Watermann, Lieutenant Caramel, Maeror Tri, PBK and Sigillum S among others.
Action Direct - published by UFA Muzak, only two issues exists, both limited to less than a hundred copies, I believe. The Last Call of Gjallarhorn, also by UFA Muzak, but not as limited and with a compilation CD.
Ostroga - published by the eponymous label. Mostly focusing on the local scene as well as including paintings, drawings, essays and so on by various authors. Two issues, both with compilation CD-Rs. Each single copy partially hand-made and hand-bound.