CADAVER GUTTER/PSYCHOSADIST split-tape -C40Disturbing and twisted split-tape from these german and finnish noise/PE newcomers.
Filthy examination from the darkest corners of human mind.
No compromises, only harsh rhythms and insane vocals.
Professionally dubbed tapes, with full color artwork.
Teaser: to 50!
Price: 6 € (+postages)
You can also offer TRADES! We prefer only good trades!
Upcoming releases!MASKHEAD: Tied & Sodomized -C20 (may 2016)
Rotat: TBA -C20 (summer 2016)
S.T.A.B. Electronics -C20 + Live in Turku 2015 dvd-r (special package) (summer 2016)
Grunt/Perkust -split-collaboration tape (reissue of the old sold-out cdr from Hammasratas label) (spring 2016) co-release with Freak Animal.
Scatmother/Cadaver Gutter -split-tape
Rectal Machete: TBA -C10
More info about other releases, etc. here: