That Terroreactor track you posted is pretty good, the others on the bandcamp page are less interesting. Was listening to Sonnenrad again on his website and my 'problem' are tracks like this:, sounds like not much more than a speech sample and then a march with effects over it and that's it.
Have been listening to A.Z.A.B. and Hatespeech tracks again, came to the conclusion that both are interesting in their own way, A.Z.A.B. takes a more 'atmospheric' approach, but I think his tracks could be better when they'd be a bit shorter. Might get the tapes when they're out.
I still have the feeling that with some of these projects they spend more time in making designs, symbols, logos and the ideas behind the music than the actual music.
That being said, that Power Electronics Against Communism comp comes right after the Red Scum CD, I feel a recurring theme, hehe.