LAKE SHARK HN #09 - THE RITA / SUCTION MELENA - Roman Facesitting C40
The psycho sexual Italian tradition of MO, ATRAX MORGUE, M.M.M., CALIGULA031, etc. etc. continues in the LE COSE BIANCHE side project SUCTION MELENA.
New split C40 featuring material from SUCTION MELENA and THE RITA concerned explicitly with 'Roman Facesitting', more specifically a tribute to the video series under the same title.
THE RITA's most 'explicit' recording yet and further directed Italian style obsession from SUCTION MELENA.
Two versions of the same release.
For North American customers - the LSHN #09 edition of 50 (#1 - 50) features a pad printed pro-tape C40 in the standard LSHN [OEC / Slaughter style] double-sided card cover in a ziplock bag.
$10 USD plus postage.
Contact: lakesharkhn[at]gmail[dot]com for order details and availability.
Wholesale orders welcome.
More related items for sale at:
For European orders and to see the CUSTOM BODY RECORDS edition of 50 (#51 - 100):