Unexamine/Baphometic Dawn - "Against the World, Against Life" CS

Started by ilips, May 08, 2016, 11:20:41 AM

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Hello all. New release out now:

BA-12 Unexamine/Baphometic Dawn - "Against the World, Against Life" CS
Collab between Baphometic Dawn and harsh noise degenerates Unexamine. "Oblivion to all human made structure and ideals. Slate wiping noise Black Death punk. No acquiescence, no pleasure, no judges, no worship." Members of Rohit, Cross Rot, Sissy Spacek, Purity of Essence, etc. >30 minute run-time, limited to 80 hand-numbered copies. Not for the uninitiated. $6. Sample: https://soundcloud.com/blud-auk/unexaminebaphometic-dawn-western-civilization .Buy: http://bludauk.storenvy.com

I can do domestic shipping rates for the USA and Canada for the next couple of days and then all orders will be shipping from Canada. Wholesale and trade offers accepted. Thanks.

holy ghost

Sound sample sounds interesting. Just ordered a copy. The recent batch of Unexamine stuff has been killer.

holy ghost

Thanks for the cigarette contained with my tape! Minty!!!


Primitive Isolation Tactics
Scream & Writhe distro and Absurd Exposition label
Montreal, QC