Summer Scum 2 day fest in Brooklyn, didja go?

Started by calaverasgrande, July 13, 2016, 06:17:32 PM

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Anyone else make it to the Summer Scum noise/PE fest in Brooklyn at Trans Pecos?
I only just overheard some guys talking it up while I was stepping in on the local modular gear store.
SAT 7/9 . . 2PM-2am
SUMMER SCUM DAY 1: Alleypisser, Mercury Hall, RM, Puce Mary, Rectal Hygienics , Pharmakon, Paranoid Time, Race To The Bottom, Dog Lady Island, Narwhalz of Sound, Gene Pick + Copley Medal, Noise Nomads, James Hoff, Gnawed + Deterge, Stewart Skinner, Via App, Secret Boyfriend, Pure Matrix, Latrines (Nick Klein + Miguel Alvarino), Cienfuegos, Radiator Greys, Pleasure Island, Inbreeder, Gabi Losoncy, Plagues, Sunken Cheek, Scant, Stress Orphan, Coteries, Negation, Stroker, Horoscope, KHF, Appetite

SUN 7/10 . 2PM-2am
SUMMER SCUM DAY 2: Drew McDowall, Lettera 22, Relay For Death, Burning Star Core, Humanbeast, Evenings, Plague Mother + Shredded Nerve, Blessed Sacrifist, Lucy Lewis, Harness (Luke Tandy + Shane Church), No Intention, Toska (Matt Reis + Liz Gomez), V. Sinclair, Ligature + Remnants, Liebestod , Magia Nuda, Saran Man, Balloon Monument, Clavicula Salomonis + Alex York, Swollen Organs, Vat, Suckling, Dane, Fantasia, Holding Cell, DNR, Live Drum Performance (Ryan Naideau + Jim Siegel), DJ Jeremy, DJ Home Alone 2, and Dave Public

Curious on anyone else's perceptions. I was not able to attend the entire event. So I am also curious about acts I may have missed, and did anyone actually make it through both days from 2pm-2am?