Howard Stelzer Dawn Songs C-30
(2016 no rent records, nrr33)2 new suites from Lowell Massachusetts' Howard Stelzer. Recorded late at night
or early in the morning, depending on outlook, "Dawn Songs" mixes the sound
of birds, scrap metal, trains, traffic and dogs into an austere rumble; turning the
most simple mechanical idea ("off" / "on") into a cumulative modern composition.
Reverb was made by blasting source recordings from a loudspeaker through
abandoned factories and parking lots at 6 AM. Given the visual, and current love
of hyperbole, it would be easy to wax poetic. A sensitive artist such as Howard
Stelzer, however, wouldn't tell you how to feel; instead insisting on a musical
stoicism that allows his communication to remain intact.
In this age of ultra overdubbing, double reverb and triple pretension the honest
seriousness of this album is a rewarding experience.
Available here: