SHREDDED NERVE Shredded Nerve c40
In Justin Lakes' best release to date he takes us into territory beautiful and un-compromising.
Lakes' particular genius of taking field recording and manipulations of everyday objects and
exploding the mundane to reveal the hidden, radiant, doomed transcendence is married with
elegiac tones and melodies to reveal a plane where beauty, pain, decay, joy and sadness hold
equal footing and ranking.
An absolutely essential addition to the canon.
Drew McDowall)
Available here: here: in person on Shredded Nerve's Fall 2016 tour with Scant and Cienfuegos:
-9/13-Richmond @ Crystal Palace
-9/14-Columbus @ The Summit
-9/15-St Louis @ Way Out Club
-9/16-Milwaukee @ Quarters
-9/17-Chicago @ Club Rectum as a part of VARNISH II
-9/18-Minneapolis @ The Rathole
-9/19-Minneapolis @ Kitty Cat Club as Inferior Passions
-9/21-Cincinnati @ Northside Yacht Club
-9/22-Cleveland @ Now Thats Class
-9/24 and 9/25 Providence @ P.U.F.F.E.R.S.
This is Shredded Nerve's final document
Edition of 100
also available in varying quantities (up to date inventory info on the page)
Howard Stelzer "Dawn Songs"
How I Quit Crack "EconoCreep"
Taeter "Glorious Paraphilia"
Sapphogeist "Sapphogeist"
Relay For Death "Anxiety of the Eye"
Valise "Fe #2"
Stroker "The Bitch" (one)
Modelbau "Lifeboat"
Radboud Mens "Cycle"
Trogpite "Wife and Kid"
Horoscope "Performance For Women"
Blackfire "Dormant"