Kitten Sparkles (Don Bolles ex GERMS) - The Fantstic World of Kitten Sparkles

Started by 777was666, October 22, 2016, 09:01:08 AM

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777 was 666 is proud to present the very first CD by Kitten Sparkles,
the solo noise and light explosion of Don Bolles (ex GERMS)


Track 1, 5: Recorded by Don Bolles and Joseph Hammer (LAFMS)
Track 2, 3, 4: Recorded by Don Bolles and a Hallicrafters shortwave radio in 1980.

No effects or processing was used.

"This music frees me, I can hear anything in it.
It's like downloads forever in my mind." - Don Bolles

Total Running Time: 66min 50sec
Mastering: Phil Julian
Artwork: Don Bolles
Photography: Wild Don Lewis
Thanks to Ace Farren Ford, GX Jupitter-Larsen, John Wiese, Joseph Hammer and Rick Potts

Limited to 200 copies
Price: 2,000 JPY (ppd world)

Please ask first to seven3wassix6 AT gmail DOT com



It's not difficult to admit: I am not something of a specialist when it comes to the world of
US punk music, but even I heard the name Germs before, yet not the actual music (I think);
it is one of those one sees mentioned if one reads old magazines about punk music. So, I wasn't
aware that their drummer is Don Bolles, whose real name is Jimmy Michael Giorsetti and who took
"his stage name from Arizona Republic journalist Don Bolles, murdered by a car bomb in 1976".
As Kitten Sparkles he produces his own solo brand of electronic music and five of his pieces are
to be found on his one and so far only release. There is nothing to compared this with, previous
work, concerts or otherwise. There are five pieces on this release, of which 'Omaggio A Rune
Lindblad' (a great yet somewhat obscure composer of electronic music from Sweden, 1923-
1991) is the shortest, five minutes' and with twenty-one minutes '(Epoch Of) Solipse Slips
(Edit)' is the longest; three pieces, including the Lindblad one were recorded using a shortwave
radio in 1980, live on a cassette and come without editing of processing, while the other two
are from 1998. The music from Bolles is very minimal and probably like something that is easy
to create. A synthesizer, some shortwave sounds and just these keep the sound running for a
long time. That one could think is his only modus operandi. And maybe it is, but then who
cares? I am listening to these results and think they are great. Somewhere it is along the lines
of good ol' industrial music, but it also has a gentle side, perhaps more so in the two recent
pieces, in which there are more complex layers of sounds, which appear all close together, but
inspected with a microscopic one sees all these little details. In all its relatively simple approach,
this is some excellent music, which grew upon me every time I heard it. Is there more music
such as this from this guy and if so, why didn't we hear it yet? (FdW)
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