Well, maybe i sounded too much against CD-r earlier, more than i should be or really am. Meaning that yes, vast majority of the CD-r i have, they still play. But i have lost trust in them, seeing enough CD-r given 2-3 plays, then stored in their case in the closet, when i come back to them years later they look perfect but they can't be read. Disc is spinning and spinning, no recognized, in any machine. Don't know why. And when this happens, you loose it all ! Same with HDDs, i had just one died on me, just once, but lost it all. I lost trust in them, so since then i have a mirror back-up HDD. As Fluid Fetish wrote, anything that requires me to create a copy cause i may loose it anytime without warning, without reason ... well, i try to avoid it. That requirement comes ofcource of my lack of trust, but that's it anyway. HDD i can't avoid, CD-r i can ! I copy / rip stuff but when i want to and for reasons of "easy" access everywhere. I don't like doing it cause i have to or cause of my "paranoia" if you think so.