PUSSIFICATION (open call cat-themed compilation)

Started by NO PART OF IT, November 19, 2016, 08:53:16 AM

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Hello friends and neighbors,

NO PART OF IT is happy to announce its first "open call" compilation.

"PUSSIFICATION" is a compilation themed around compositions involving sounds that emanate from the feline variety.

This could be the contact mic'ing of cats, the sound of cats, or cats interacting with instruments/objects such as keyboards or theremins.  If there is a field recording of an exchange involving cats, a soundtrack to it may be acceptable as well, but we do want to discourage original music with a couple cat sounds thrown in.  More of the motivation behind the project is in setting guidelines based on the sounds that cats make, and much less about recordings "inspired by" cats.  There may be exceptions.

This will be in a physical format and contributors will receive a copy of it.  Quality control will be in full effect and submissions that are not accepted will be excluded without notice.

We're not setting a maximum duration for submissions, but if it's longer than 7 minutes, it had better be good!  Video submissions are also being accepted.  People with a knowledge of programming pro DVD menus, who are willing to contribute their services are also being solicited.

The cover art will be of a thorough, surrealist nature, and not of the "neck-beard" persuasion.   Ideally the sounds will reflect that.

The deadline is May 1st, 2017.

Submissions can be sent to nopartofit at gmail dot com via any number of sites such as wetransfer.com, dropbox.com, google drive, mediafire, and so forth.  

Feel free to spread the word to any reasonable human beings you know who may be interested.

Here is the link to the blog where people can keep up on the progress of the compilation:
A caterpillar that goes around trying to rip the wings off of butterflies is not a more dominant caterpillar, just a caterpillar that is looking for a bigger caterpillar to crush him.  Some caterpillars are mad that they will never grow to be butterflies.


Deadline is May 1st.  If it needs to come a little after that, we can talk, but I need to stop the flow at that point. 
A caterpillar that goes around trying to rip the wings off of butterflies is not a more dominant caterpillar, just a caterpillar that is looking for a bigger caterpillar to crush him.  Some caterpillars are mad that they will never grow to be butterflies.


Gmail is not letting me empty my storage, trying to sell me more storage, so I realized I'm not receiving some emails.   Here is the best place right now to send download links for the cat comp.  FYI   misterfvckhead@gmail.com  or on facebook  https://www.facebook.com/nopartofit
Apologies for any inconvenience. 
A caterpillar that goes around trying to rip the wings off of butterflies is not a more dominant caterpillar, just a caterpillar that is looking for a bigger caterpillar to crush him.  Some caterpillars are mad that they will never grow to be butterflies.


I have moved across the country and I have lived in several different places since my last post.   This will be a pro CDr.  I am probably going to have the full 80 minutes full, but maybe not.  Either way, I will accept submissions until October 5.  It can be on the bandcamp digital release for sure.  

If you have been in touch with me and have sent me a track, feel free to get in touch.  


Thank you.  

A caterpillar that goes around trying to rip the wings off of butterflies is not a more dominant caterpillar, just a caterpillar that is looking for a bigger caterpillar to crush him.  Some caterpillars are mad that they will never grow to be butterflies.