OFR-007: Body Stress – CCC
Unrelenting, brutal and crafty Harsh Noise from this hungry Danish artist. Supreme compositions and layering, beautiful bursts of harshness and ripe frequencies define this full-length tribute to the infamous Danish CCC porn production firm. C40 full-length with 4 full colour inserts.
Sample Track:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6C4JIhy2jQ&feature=youtu.beOFR-008: ANTIchildLEAGUE – Holy Spirit
MASSIVE new tape including 40 minutes of brand new and exclusive material from this cult PE act. Having established a huge status in the underground for decades, ACL stands stronger and even more ruthless than ever before. Spiteful and multi-faceted material strictly limited to 66 copies. Comes with 6 inserts displaying the artist's astounding graphic skills.
Sample Track:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vmvq8aipmQQOFR-009: Maskhead – Qliphotic Doglust
After releases on Hiisi and Filth and Violence, Finnish gutter noise deviant Maskhead releases his first full-length on Obsessive Fundamental Realism. "Qliphotic Doglust" is an audial journey into perversion and occultism where there are absolutely no taboos. Menacing dark and filthy sound. Comes with a fold-out booklet including various sigils and old school bondage porn.
Sample Track:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txesl2Bf-FE&t=6sOFR-010: Salo Salon – Agonal Pessimism
After "Execution Tourism" brought a lot of attention to this German newcomer, Salo Salon presents 40 minutes of heavy and multi-layered Industrial in the glorious old vein. Metal, synth and various historic samples create a mood of intensity and depth which shouldn't disappoint any fan of the debut. C40 with pro-printed booklet.
Sample Track:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJxfiDfkPT0Contact: obsessivefundamentalrealism (a)
gmail.com 7 € each