PEOPLES PERSON - S/T C35After a couple of years experimenting within the confines of his home, PEOPLES PERSON finally graces us with a solid 35 minutes of dense and slow audial emesis. With a great (and perhaps unintentional) attention to texture and crunch, he attacks his sorry gear and gives birth to a rather strange fucker. A slow and single-minded halfwit, finally let loose to soak the streets of Borås in steaming hot idiot-urine.
Sample:€ PPD.
Contact for order:
teamborotapes@gmail.comA couple of distros will carry it (update on that coming later).
Older stuff still available, 6€ / tape + shipping (1 CS = 3€ shipping, 2-3 CS = 6€)HEINZ HOPF - Ultra Primitiv C36
FILTHY TURD - Forty Six In Use Louise C40