Started by Dyecap, March 28, 2017, 05:20:10 PM

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Freedom Waste Products pt.2   

Gratis copies going out today.
Trades welcome  :D
What remains will be available on the bandcamp page (with sample slice) next week.



F.W.P. pt.2
Bandcamp copies all sold.
Costs have been (more or less) covered.

Two copies for gifting/trade available.
Get in touch.
If you like...


Raft of Roses
Released - 6/6/17

Info. at - https://tyrannichorizon.bandcamp.com/album/raft-of-roses

Audio sample to follow



First in the "Access and Influence" series of C10 cassettes.
Exploring stagnation reversal through decalcification and reignition. Each release will have two, five minute tracks, created to be polarised in their texture and delivery.

(A) Implant Trigger - recorded August 2017 Bristol. Stark, rhythmic, delayed self-cannibalism. Originally designed to be released as part of a 5 min loop tape series, now on hold till 2018.
(B) I Swear I Might Hijack a Plain - A different version on each cassette. All ten, 5 min tracks, recorded over three sessions in September 2017.

"Cult child glitter cutter bitten in the teeth snatching the vile like strength from horror salted queen"

<<<Audio of these cassettes will not be uploaded>>>



A few copies of the Niagara Tapes version of Raft of Roses available for trade here in the UK.

The remit to Niagara was to blow out the recording to tape.
Mission accomplished!
Blown out to the point of stereo integrity loss...
Recorded onto reclaimed cassettes. Some versions have bleed from original recording. Some have chunks of the original at the end of the sides.
Some are barely recognisable.
All good!


I Swear I Might Hijack A Plain(s)

All ten, five minute (b)sides, from the "Access And Influence" cassette release. Expect recurring themes of spiked drones, walls, high, low, in, out, puke mids, bass oscillations, crumbling, laughing, squealing, sub vocal one takes arranged as a single fifty minute track with the "Input Trigger" (a)side to finish.
Short chain floop feckery for your mind body hole.
Packaged with positive and negative acetate prints.

Usual suspect trades and gifts going out over the next couple days.
The rest will be up on the bandcamp page next week.
Should be a few left for further trades/blags so get in touch if you like...

Soloman Tump

^ Received my CD in the post yesterday, cheers.  Looking forward to giving it a go (not sure what to expect after the description, excellent)