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Just spinning 'Black Magic Pond' (Blossoming Noise) for the first time in years and it is really hitting the spot. My plan is to spend today revisiting the little work of his I have but I want to hear about your recommendations.
The impressions I've gotten is that his more recent work has veered into more musique concrete/electroacoustic territory which is fine with me and, of course, present in much of his older more noise based recording too. I'd be particularly keen to hear what people think of newer stuff?
He is also an excellent live act too. At this stage in life (hah!) I don't give a fuck what the performer is doing onstage so long as the sound is interesting, however Wiese remains a bit of a go-to when the boring laptop vs not laptop argument rears its head. His approach seems very tactile while totally focused and you can tell that, for the most part, he is mixing sounds live rather than just scrolling through things on his macbook. I recall with fondness/bitterness watching him, Cheapmachines and Dieter Muh (though perhaps not in that order) one after the other at the Rammel Club weekender in 2012 and there was a feeling among several of us in attendance that there might just be no fucking point in making our own music after such a series of great sets.