For Sale : Genocide Organ - Remember (box set) XE - SS Division Wiking LP

Started by Hardcrush, May 17, 2017, 12:08:46 AM

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Couple for sale here which are banned from Discogs.

Open to offers. Have no memory of what I paid for either.

No t-shirt or Pin in the Genocide Organ boxset.



I agree with the sentiment about the shirts. However it was quite low quality and the print fell off. So I cut it to pieces and used it to varnish some wood.

online prowler

Quote from: Hardcrush on May 17, 2017, 01:35:19 PM
So I cut it to pieces and used it to varnish some wood.

hahahaa!!! this one made my day. love it. XE album is solid in my book. Can recommend that to fanatics.