New distro titles now available.
Obsessive Fundamental Realism:
Subklinik – Dead Forever CS
Rotat – Hate Is Good c40
Psychosadist – Disco Bizarre c40
Filth And Violence:
Black State – Hlose CD
V/A - Valkoinen Kohina – White Noise CD Reissue
Trapdoor Tapes:
Military Position – Black Noise c30
Hiroshi Hasegawa – Collapsed Amalgam c60
Armour Group/Isomer – Desire To Fight c30
All titles available for order here prices for orders outside of the U.S. have been adjusted.
Please direct any questions to mbdcontact160 [at] gmail [dot] com.
First orders of Filth And Violence items come with vinyl Bizarre Uproar stickers.
First orders of Trapdoor Tapes items come with a Trapdoor Tapes pin and a xeroxed promotional Trapdoor Tapes flyer.