A wantlist just in case someone happens to want to sell their copies. Price isn't really an issue. I also have a ton of Merzbow if anyone wants to trade.
Strict - "Impulsion" CS
Dead Body Love - "Tumours" CS
Dead Body Love - "Puke On My Corpse" CS
Dead Body Love - "Disasterland" CS
Dead Body Love - "Erase the Body" CS
Dead Body Love - "Panic System (A Punk Rock Classic)" CS
Kazumoto Endo - "Brick and Mortar" CD
Deathpile - "G.R." CD
Government Alpha - "The Maternity Music" CS
Viodre - "All Your Bobby Pins Here From Fucking On the Floor (dance beautifully)" CDr
Viodre - "Virtue/The Fool" 2xCDr
Viodre - "Cuntlike/At the Gates of Rhythm: Orgy Music" 2xCDr
Breathing Problem - "Mattress On the Floor" CS/CDr box
Mlehst - old Bandaged Hand/90s stuff
K2 - "De Novo" CS
Taint - "B.A.T." CS
Taint - "Misogynist Lust" CS
Taint - "Victimology" CS
Taint - "Killing For Company" CS
Taint - "Indecent Liberties" LP (with all the trimmings)
Skin Crime - any original cassettes
Skin Crime - "Parasite" CDr
Alberich - "NATO-Uniformen" 8xCS
Black Leather Jesus - "Bondage Mechanism" CS
Black Leather Jesus - "Torturous Chapter" CS
Black Leather Jesus - "Crossburnt" CS
(non-noise) Jucifer - "Throned In Blood" CD
Also available for the right trade, I have Deathpile's "Gutters of New York City" CDr #44/50 in great condition considering its a very thin paper folder around the disc in an oversized polybag, no bends tears or major creases just general aging Send inquiries/offers here: ezio_garm84@hotmail.com