I was surprised lack of topic for Le Syndicat on the forum!
Mighty old releases captured my attention long ago. Got varied quality level dubs of tapes. At the time, "master & covers" or simply copying covers and dubbing tapes from 2nd generation copy was not unusual. Pure/RRR's CD's of Le Syndicat would look cheap and uniform to the series, but sound of this project is far from cheap.
There will be LE SYNDICAT FACTION VIVANTE interview in Special Interests #10. Lay-out still being finalized, but looks like it is really coming within some weeks! In that interview one can sink deeper into what is the LSFV. I got their recent CD published by AUSSAAT label:
Aussaat 03
This CD contains 10 pieces, from short c. 2,5 minute fragments to long 10 minute pieces. Recorded as live sessions by Ruelgo (aka Jean-Marie Onni) & Saphi's home studio. Ruelgo the original Le Syndicat man and Saphi member in later days, better known for his own work as Nocturne. If 80's LS was characterized with experimentation with rather rough sonic material and recording technology, in 2018 is certainly different from 30 years before.
It is a bit more playful. Less dark, less "industrial", but at the same time there is something what directly connects with with Le Syndicat. It took me couple listening times to get used to clean and hi-fi sound. Playfulness of constant modulation of sounds, extensive pitch and speed altering making one think DJ CD turntables or kaoz-pad methods. Also quite often used methods with SP- series samplers. I hoped more dirt and rumbling distortion, yet the more I listened, more I appreciate that it doesn't take very easy route. Instead of dirty industrial for satisfactory of those looking for remakes of old, LSFV goes for new. It is something they clearly aim for. Not replication of past, but new ways of creation. Textures are complex and always changing. Absolute mandatory element of the album is that it really is "excerpts from live sessions". Not whole session. No the moments of losing the red line, but cutting song-length moments what were good. This makes it sound like album. Not merely jam that aimlessly floats from thing to another.
It manages to capture the feeling of noise duo making and reacting to the sound. Dynamic is different when someone loses totally spontaneous creativity of live noise and sinks into on-screen-editing. This project is different than Le Syndicat on Rotorelief label almost 10 years ago. Even more different from what it was in 90's and 80's. My appreciation is that it managed to get rid of many of those drum-beat things known from albums like "Festin D'Acier". Progress is clearly 100% to better direction. What it has in common, may be the somewhat clean overall sound, but "Morceaux de choix" includes even quite noisy moments.
I didn't see samples available, but I'd say CD is worth to grab without tasters. Allow yourself to accept Le Syndicat Faction Vivante is not the 80's Le Syndicat, but entirely new project what has other mission and appears to succeed in their aims 100%.
that said, topic may be used for comments of all Le Syndicat related releases. Recommendations, comments, etc