Citalopram Shunyata/Cremation Gospel and Master & Servant

Started by Ashmonger, April 15, 2018, 02:01:19 AM

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2 new tapes on Gutter Disease:
GD13: Master & Servant - Victory Through Violence
Master & Servant is a Dutch project making atmospheric and almost cinematic Industrial Noise. The unsettling atmosphere is reached by the often structured noise on the one hand and well placed samples and ambient background sounds on the other hand. C40
Sample track:

GD14: Citalopram Shunyata/Cremation Gospel
Citalopram Shunyata presents dark, rumbling and crude Noise dedicated to 70ies pornography and BDSM. Cremation Gospel presents a lo-fi recording, somewhere between structured Noise and loose PE, dedicated to our saviour. C25
Citalopram Shunyata sample:
Cremation Gospel sample:

Order through Iron Scourge distro:


Some extra info about Citalopram Shunyata on behalf of the project:

CITALOPRAM SHUNYATA describes the rush of adrenaline and chemical ecstasy of constant usage of SSRI anti depressants and the spiritual refuge found in those depictions and actions that are deemed disturbed by society and its moral advocates.

The project has its roots in experimentations that started years ago. Trying to capture bleakness, analogue grittiness and a soundscape of grainy murk which is still full. Sounds evolved together with setup and experience with hands-on creation of Noise. Metal, plastic, radio static, empty tapes, broken microphones. Analogue synthesizers patched into obscurity. Total worship of Fuzz and Ring Modulation.

There is a certain kind of aesthetic driving the project which is hard to pinpoint and spell out. Vintage pornography, Exploitation and Eroticism are recurring factors, but there is also a heavy focus on own perversions, sexual urges and experiences, medication and character traits most would call disorders.

This somewhat puzzling influence has fuelled my sound experiments under this moniker especially throughout the last year. The tracks are the result of single long sessions most of the time, somewhere between research and ejaculation of spontaneous blasts. Focus on sound that can be somewhere between weird and earthy to more aggressive and ripping.

There is talk about various tapes as so many tracks have been gathered. Time will tell. Smaller runs for fans of Noise tape culture and low profile obsession. CITALOPRAM SHUNYATA is what it is and doesn't strive for anything else.

First official release is a split between me and my friend from Cremation Gospel on the GUTTER DISEASE label, available from IRON SCOURGE: