after a long absence we have returned and this time with 3 new titles:
ME14 V / A - Aepalizage C-28
"The apocalypse is part of our ideological baggage, it's an aphrodisiac, it's a nightmare, it's a merchandise like any other...
one of the oldest representations of the human race
...a second reality, an image that we make for ourselves, an incessant production of our fantasy, the catastrophe in our minds."
Includes new tracks of Endofobia, 886vg, Division Monolitica, NxBx, Quiral and Estupor.
Type II tape housed inside a silkscreened paper bag, with insert, and risography printed zine and poster.
https://soundcloud.com/milenio-esquizo/va-aepalizage-c28-extractosME15 Discipulos de Sade C-30
"Dozens of girls were subjected to the most aberrant abuses without any dare to claim or denounce.
...we live in a time corrupted by excessive sexual activity without love."
Type II tape inside a zip-bag, with insert and a pantyhose.
https://soundcloud.com/milenio-esquizo/me15-discipulos-de-sade-extractosME16 Osario / sADISMODIVINO C-40
Double headed coin to set the start and finish of each project.
Raw and cold electronics to walk through the pavilions of a morgue.
Type II tape, 5-panel j-card and insert.
https://soundcloud.com/milenio-esquizo/me16-sadismodivino-osario-c40Ltd copies, those interested contact via e-mail at
milenioesquizo@gmail.comMILENIO ESQUIZO.
Third world electronics, hand-crafted and based on the V Region, Valparaíso CL.