store & Relics, duo and occasionally trio, present "Tarry."
Recorded originally for the Vitrine, it surfaces here sounding every bit as though it would have been home on the now frozen imprint. Side A is defined by an endless shuffling, overtone rich notes puncturing the shuffling, set against the low hum and crackle. It will draw you in. It will kick you back out. The time-scale moves up. It just knocked a tape off my shelf. Side B ambles toward tape cutup and is classic Spoils & Relics, never resting and refusing to linger on one idea for too long. The patience is gone and now the harmonically rich passages are rough feedback, in WIDE stereo. "Tarry" can hang with Spoils & Relics classic releases form Harbinger and Mantile, vague and engaging, and if you're the type, soothing. A NRR future classic.
-Christian Mirande, 2018