Most orders shipped today, just a few remaining, so I will finally be able to sit down and finish the layout for upcoming Troubled Sleep #4. Apologies to all involved for the delay, but this is a particularly demanding effort within the context of the label.
I am opening once again the call for ads during the entire month of June, for those who may have missed it originally, or didn´t have the funds back then. Hopefully this will be done and ready to be sent to press by the end of that month.
This upcoming #4 will feature :
It will have similar printing details as the previous one (offset / 16x23 cm) as well as a similar print run, and should be distributed by the fine gentlemen that usually carry Narcolepsia releases worldwide.
I am trying to make this as fair as possible for the advertiser by including some distro copies in the final ad price.
Rates are:
1 page = 75.00 € (you will get 8 copies of the zine)
½ page = 45.00 € (you will get 3 copies of the zine)
¼ page = 25.00 € (you will get 1 copy of the zine)
This is valid until Tuesday, 30th June 2020. Please write for more details regarding the file size and specifications :
narcolepsia . distro at gmail . com