Re: social media / instagram
I have wondered how so many releases sell out with near instantaneous speed. The above comments motivated me to mire into the Instagram comments. I understand a little better now why. By the time a fair number of labels and distro's I pay attention to post the releases for general sale on their website—or, even later, here—only those in the Instagram feed knew they were going to be released and when. There is plenty of evidence that I see of sales directly through the comments section. The major disadvantage for everyone outside that feed is that even with a public Instagram account, none of the content is available through a standard internet search engine. I also discovered that bookmarking a profile doesn't seem to work—every bookmark I made in my browser goes back to whatever page I started on or last looked at or... ???. I suspect this is all purposely built into the site. Instagram wants you to sign in and create an account and assemble a personal feed, after all, so they can mine your information. I hope people realize that Instagram is Facebook. If you want to run that route, fine, but please go in with your eyes open.