CONTROLLED OPPOSITION is a new power electronics project from minneapolis, USA, classically ambiguous analog power electronics, paying grateful sonic homage to our european cohorts.
"Politics is not a science, but an art. And so our art must be political and not scientific. Since the end of World War 2, the United States has controlled the global economy, ensuring our endless supply of beef, sugar, oil, and entertainment. At home, the political theater is a sitcom; abroad, a grand guignol.
Controlled Opposition, the combined efforts of Leo Brochu and Anthony Amelang, doesn't deal in middling moral criticism. "P.A.C." was inspired by the shooting of congressman Steve Scalise. On this point, we can say little else. Listen and learn. The true history of the United States isn't secret. They dare you to believe the most brazen lies, knowing the truth is a thousand times worse."sample the track
Northwoods here: email chryptusrecords (at)